Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Well, we all heard it over and over and over again in seminary. Self-care is vital for your life and your ministry. And starting a new call (and in my case a first call) this commentary on self-care got put up on the shelf with the other books I would get to when I found "time."

Since beginning my call I have learned the fullness of this call to self-care - both with myself and with fellow colleagues. And it can not be more true and more needed. We burn ourselves out and get frustrated, angry, depressed, disconnected, or simply dive into our work with no community or connection with others outside of the call.

So here's to perpetual self-care, natural self-care, intentional self-care, and holy self-care. I am working hard at being intentional about this for myself, and I pray for my colleagues who are pushing themselves and not taking care of themselves. May we hold each other up in the love of Christ.

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