Monday, October 01, 2007

Day 1

I am exhausted! So why am I still up typing this brief bit now? Well, I think exhausted and excited don't always mix well.

I began my call at the congregation in Dale City, VA today. I spent about 70% of the time unloading boxes of books and trying to figure out where the heck I am going to keep all my books, while still have room for more. I think I need, once I move into my new place later in the month, to do a sifting and bring more of these books home. Maybe on a rotating basis or something (gosh, I am sick!)

The administrative assistant came in on her day off, God bless her, to help me get some things inline and on the calendar. Great support and help, she is a blessing.

The preschool kids would walk by the office and say, "Who's that?" It was really cute, and I will meet up with the preschool director tomorrow to plan out some time with the kids.

Dave W. stopped by to drop off a gift of a book and a cube (interesting thing to play with) and to pray with me. A great guy and a faithful and passionate brother in Christ.

I am eager to clear off my desk and start to meet with the folks of the congregation and do a lot of listening and watching. God, continue to make yourself known to all of us amidst the change and the movement you have called us to.

---Notes from last night---
Last night, when I was hoping to 'slip in' unnoticed I met the pastor of the Hispanic Pentecostal congregation that uses the space several times a week - seems like a really caring and happy guy. I spoke with him about my desire to learn Spanish and he smiled. I like him a lot.

I also 'bumped' into the confirmation teachers, and was invited to join them for dinner, with the kids. This was their first night of confirmation and what better way to begin than by being the first ones to meet the new pastor, who is standing there in an old t-shirt and jeans, all sweaty from moving in too many books. They were all quiet and I know this will change once things get moving for them and for me.

As I was leaving I walked by the sanctuary to hear the beginnings of a worship service of another congregation that uses the space once a month. Very high energy - lyrics that I struggle with - but an very interesting multicultural/multi-aged group.


Unknown said...

Those first months in a the first call are precious - enjoy them. They will fly right by. And enjoy Northern VA, it is a fun place to live.

K's TV said...

I know you changed this post expecting I would track you down. The true blessing is having you at Epiphany.

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