Saturday, October 06, 2007

LWF - 60 years!

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is celebrating 60 years this year, and tomorrow ELCA churches are invited to reflect and pray together for its continued mission and ministry. For the children's time tomorrow I have taken a world map and marked all of the Lutheran Churches in the world that are members of the LWF, as well as the location of LWF programs and centers. The image is quite incredible for there are many, many dots, but I have noted another thing. There are entire regions (especially North Africa and the Middle East) where there are neither churches or programs. Not surprising per say, especially because of the regions and area they are and the predominate faiths in those areas, but it is a bit eye-opening.

LWF is a great collaborative organization and the multitude of communities that are a part of this group is inspiring. After looking over this map, I have decided to include 3 of the 140 member churches and their mission and work through LWF in my prayers each week. The connections are great and the opportunity to join in the continued work through prayer is the least I can do. I encourage you to check out their site.

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