Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thoughts I've Been Pondering

So if you've been reading this blog, you know that this time last year I was knee-deep in a research project - focusing on young adults and faith. That project was an incredible time for me, and while the paper was turned in - the subject and inquiry has not left me. In fact, I think I have begun to dig a bit deeper.

For me (and for others) I think the question is - how does the church reach out to the young adults in and outside of our community, and better yet, how do we help to foster active growth and living disipleship of our young adults (and all the community)?

Does this mean a 'rejection' of customs and patterns of the past? Completely? Partially?

Does this mean (and this is a question amongst me and some colleagues right now) a ministry/community that grows out of an already established congregation, or something completely new?

Okay, so the questions could continue on...as there are no straight answers (how's that for a post-modern thought?)

I need to run out to a text-study....but I will continue this thread and I invite you to offer your thoughts.


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