Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Listening and Discerning

One of the things I have been reading out, thinking about, and engaging in a lot of lately is discernment. This has been done both individually and corporately. And I have come to learn how much discernment is truly listening. And as we listen it is amazing to see and be a part of the work that God is doing amidst our lives, in our lives, through our lives.

Recently the council of the congregation I am serving began a process of discernment as we seek to lead the larger congregation in a communal process in September. Through our time in conversation, prayer, and ideas we have noticed a lot of intersections and commonalities. And these have added energy and passion to the conversations.

But something that I have just begun to hear in the conversations and overall process is that we are all talking the same language. We are beginning to see how these intersections and commonalities are being lived! And let me tell you - it is quite exciting!!! When you read a newsletter and several of the articles speak to the power of prayer, prayer practice, and calling the congregation to prayer regarding mission and vision, all written by different people, not all in the council (my article, the president's piece, the chair of stewardship, the kid's corner, and a few other blurbs) - you can't help but believe it.

We are a people of discernment and the lives of disciples are all about discernment. We need to pause, listen, see, feel, sense, smell, desire...and we see the work that God is doing amongst us, within us and through us. This is God's story and God's work - and we are called to proclaim and point to that. And while we do that, let us not only proclaim and point to God's story and God's work, but also to listen and discern what God is saying to us!

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