Sunday, May 18, 2008

Baptism on Trinity Sunday

I share this wonderful story about worship this morning.

Today we celebrated Trinity Sunday and we had a baptism. This was the third baptism that I have done - so the uniqueness of the tri-nature of it all was great.

The baby boy is a precious one who for the first month or so of life was fussy, fussy, fussy - but within the last month or so he seems to have found a smile, the giggles, and a sense of humor.

So...we are in the midst of the baptismal service and I am leading a prayer just before I present him to the congregation. It is all quiet as I pause to catch a breath and add a dramatic pause in the prayer. And the dear little one let's one rip! He just farts SO loud that I started to giggle. I tried to compose myself and I kept going on with the prayer, looking down at the book while holding onto him and not bust out laughing. And I could hear the giggles in the congregation and when I turned to the parents the dad was laughing.

It was perfect timing - at the quietest time in the entire service he just lets it go. His granddad later said, "Pastor really scared the devil out of that boy!"

Well I wouldn't say that - but it was a great moment of lightness and humanity amidst the presence of the fullness of the Triune God.

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