Thursday, December 06, 2007

A Late Night Plea (and chuckle...)

A while back I changed the layout of my blog, added a few new elements, and just made it a bit more interactive, if you will. As a result of this I lost my original world map and the dots that pointed to who had been looking at my blog. I was really captivated by this map because it only went to show how truly small the world has become.

Before I made the change there had been visitors from all continents (well, maybe not Antartica) and that made me smile, for I too often wander across blogs that were written from other continents. BUT, now after the revision of the blog and the 'refreshing' of the map as a result I keep looking at it longing for the days when there was a red dot on each continent, in fact multiple dots on each. Now South America, Africa, and Australia sit entirely green with not red dots and this makes me sad. I mean after all...Christmas is coming and the traditional American red and green would be such a wonderful vision, now wouldn't it?

SO...if you are out there...come check out this blog. Represent your good continents and help to spread the Christmas cheer via a cultural color display. (Besides - if you are reading this, your dot will ultimately be posted, so maybe we are already there since there is a delay.)


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