Monday, November 12, 2007

Help-the-Homeless Walk-A-Thon

This coming Saturday, I along with several youth and adults from my congregation will be joining thousands (read - lots) of others in our nation's capital to awaken the area to the continued and increasing need of homeless in our communities. I have participated in this walk before, which is a great event that teaches, speaks, connects, and works to increase support financially and otherwise for local and not-so-local agencies and charities that focus their work on the problem of homelessness in our country, and in our backyards. Watch for some thoughts after the event - I am going to ask others who walk with me to share some thoughts here as well.

If you would like to make a donation to support this, you can do so by following this secure link to my walk page - where you can make a secure online donation.

Beyond that - I urge you all to explore where this issue plays out in your own community and how you can see the people behind the issue and work side-by-side with those people to change our systems and structures to help alleviate this issue and the issues that contribute to the perpetuation of this problem.

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