Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Christ the King - Commentary

In some recent readings for this upcoming Sunday, Christ the King Sunday, I was taken aback by a comment and I thought I would share this here and see what other folks thought of this.

The context for the comment is that the author is saying that during this time in the liturgical year we are celebrating what we believe about the end of time and that we recognize Christ as our king and accept fully Christ's authority in our lives. The author then goes on to say that this authority is not to be understood as or confused with military power or might. Then the author writes, "Our King does not deign to explain or justify his desire (from the sentence before, "his supreme desire is to bring God's love into the lives of his people.") and he does not have a history of patience with those who would question his motivations."

Hmmm...before I comment more, what are your thoughts?

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