Monday, October 22, 2007

The Night My Dad Kissed a Pastor

OK - as promised.

On October 20 @ 7pm there was a gathering at Bethel Lutheran Church in Manassas, VA. The gathering was to celebrate God's call in each of our lives and to ordain me into the ministry of Word and Sacrament in Christ's Church. Those who gathered were family members, friends, mentors, neighbors, and colleagues - some from just around the corner, and literally some from the other side of the continent. There were people there who brought me to tears, and people there who made me laugh. People who I haven't seen in over 10 years, and people who just saw me hours before.

It was overwhelming, and it became more overwhelming as we processed into the worship space for a time of prayer, word, sacrament, a laying on of hands, and singing. I sat in the front row (for you Lutherans, that in and of itself was a miracle) with the rest of the vested pastors. My family sat behind me - my parents and grandmother immediately behind me.

My former seminary advisor and preaching professor, Henry "Hank" J. Langknecht, preached that day - a gift, I think, for all who were there. God's word was preached in its fullness, and the Spirit was moving amidst the gathered.

The newly installed bishop, Richard H. Graham, was present and presided over the ordination. When he spoke the words echoed in my mind - with only a few of them actually being fully taken in. The emotion and reality of the day was too much at times.

Then the gathered clergy came around me and placed their hands on my head as the bishop prayed. The weight (literally and spiritually) was intense, even with Rebbekah, my friends' little girl, pushing another clergy out of the way so that her mother could lay her hand on my head (you go girl!). I was shuddering, although honestly I tried to 'hide it' and look strong. I don't think I succeeded.

My parents came forward and placed a stole on my shoulders as the bishop said another prayer. The weight of that stole was just as intense as the hands.

The bishop asked me to face the congregation as they made commitments to me and my call and I started to cry. I was overwhelmed, looking at all of those who were standing with me as I made this commitment in my life and as I embraced my calling.

Afterwards there was a reception and the quick, 2-3 minute hellos with everyone began. I was overwhelmed and wanted to spend more time with each person.

Then my dad came over and gave me a kiss. He chuckled, trying to hold back tears and said, "That's the first time I have ever kissed a pastor." Well, that was the first time this pastor has ever been kissed!

Thank you, thank you, thank you. To all who gathered in body or spirit that evening and the gathering the next day at my parent's place. To those who affirmed me in my call throughout my life - Kenn, Mikey, Kyle, Joyce, Jane, Hank, Shirla, Kate, Lee and Clara, Marcia and Jerry, Theresa, Millie, mom and dad, Mark, and all the rest - you know who you are. Thank you to those who keep my feet on the ground and remind me of who and whose I am. Thank you for those who make me laugh - both at life and at myself. Thank you for those who trust me to be a leader in their community - Epiphany - we pray together to follow God's call to us as a community. Thank you to God for your incredible and unbelievable love, your call, your gifts, and your being.

It was October 20th the night my life changed...and yet in some strange Lutheran oxymoron, was nothing more than it had ever been.

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