Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Just a brief word of update...

My notes/thoughts/reflections have been quite scant of late, and I wish to apologize. But the events in my life right now require a bit of quiet. Most of you know I am in the call process right now with a congregation, and I can not reveal to you the location, etc...but it is in process. A LONG process, but a process. I hope within the next few days there will be some decisions made by all involved as to the "next step." Once that has taken place, I will update here as I can.

I also ask for prayer for my family as we are facing some issues with a loved one, and just pray that they know they are loved and not alone in what they are struggling with/in, as we try to reach out to this loved one and remind them who they are and the promise that we all live in.

It is during the dark times, and the desert times that family, friends, and community reveal the fullness of who they are. God is ever present amidst all of this, and there is a strange peace found in God's hands. Not a sit-back and take-it kind of peace, but a peace that in Christ we are strengthened, and we seek to discern God's word for us in this situation/circumstance and all of life. I thank you for your love and care, and prayers. God has blessed me with folks near and far who are partners in my life and faith, and for that I am most grateful.

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