Saturday, June 30, 2007


Well, after that heart heavy piece just a few minutes ago...

I did my second interview on Monday with the congregation I am in conversation with. It went very well. I am eager to take the next step. They would like to hear me preach and we are working to set up a date for that. Potentially mid-late July.

All of this means that things in the call process are much slower than I anticipated. If I don't preach until mid-late July, and they decide they wish to offer my name to the congregation, well it first goes through council (and then I may have to meet with the council and/or congregation meet-n-greet) and then a congregational meeting will be called (with at least two weeks notice) and a vote taken. So ordination - if all of these processes yield a "Yes" can't be until at least September.

What does all that mean? Well, I have to get a PT job. But here's the exciting and funny news. Some of you know that for a long time one of my 'dreams' was the be a grocery store check-out clerk - even if just for a day. So, yesterday I was bouncing around Manassas/Bristow/Gainesville checking out the way-too-fast, way-too-much development since I left for seminary and found a grocery store named Harris Teeter. I had just seen a cool commercial for it the night before, so I thought I would look around. After doing that and being greeted, and welcomed, and offered assistance by staff members, I thought....why don't I see if they are hiring PT? So I did, and about an hour later (after application, computerized skill assessment, and drug test) I was offered a conditional postion as cashier, pending the results of my drug test! Let me tell you - I did NOT plan this. I was in jean shorts, a scruffy grey t-shirt, hair just there, and no make-up. And I walked out with a job! Now, I won't be starting until they get the drug test results (8-15 with the holiday) but wow, I have a job. I am going to be a grocery store check-out clerk!

Well, life hands you funny things sometimes and you just role with it. Besides, what a great job to have where I don't have to bring it home with me, and I get to meet people all-day long! Here's to the process - first call, grocery store, and life! God's pretty funny sometimes I think! :-)


Anonymous said...

I was wondering if you could share with me your journey to and through seminary?

Kim said...

Sure....but you are signed on as can I do that (without writing a generic all-show post)?

jenrn said...

Right! I'm starting to feel a calling towards it, but all this self doubt is beginning to plague me. It would be a second career.

Kim said...

This is my second career as well, and I will tell you that the self-doubt doesn't ever entirely disappear. It does lessen (at least it did for me) as more and more folks affirmed what they saw in me and I began to claim that and live that. Then another 'voice' emerged within me reminding me that all of God's people are called, called to a vocation that serves God; and that I was being called to be a pastor, teacher, and leader of God's walk with others on their journey as they discern and live out their callings each and every day. I would love to share more of this with can email me at (this is a bulk/junk email, but after I receive an email from you I will respond from another account - that way we don't have to post our live emails for the world to see.)

God's continues blessings as you discern God's call for your life.


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