Saturday, March 10, 2007

Packing Up

I am currently at home in Northern Virginia, as we are on break after a long 10 week winter quarter. My main task while I am home is to sort out, and repack my life so that in June I am ready to take off. So I began that this morning here at my parent's place where there are a few odds-n-ends that I have left here over the years.

Going through some of this stuff brought back some really fun memories. High school, softball, swim team, and friends from the past. But other stuff makes me think - why the heck do I have all of this stuff? I mean really, I have programs from concert or performances that I attended while in college - not performances that I was in. Then I found notes from my first and second year of undergrad, and I am truly not sure why I kept them, as I can't make heads-nor-tails of what they are. (Make a mental note - do I need to keep ALL of my seminary notes?)

So I feel the need to confess and repent. Confess to being a pack-rat. Confess to being a 'collector.' And I am seeking to clean house if you will, so that when I get into my new space this summer, it can be a clean house. Memories are great, but not if they are just sitting in a box with no care or concern - and especially if you can't remember why you held onto these things.

Hmmm....Monday I will begin the BIG sweep, as I go to my place and enter the basement where my friend has been 'holding' my stuff. Trying to remember the mantra - if you haven't needed it for five you really need it?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if you haven't needed it for five you really need it?!

I hope you will use this Mantra with what you have learned in Seminary,

I am a life long member of the Lutheran Church ( Im 55) I have no formal education other than a Lutheran Cursillo retreat and many Bible Studys, SO please take what I say with a grain of salt.

1. Be a Christian, then a Lutheran, Todays Calvinists and Baptist Churches are basically copies of the life Luther led, It seems we have been watered down, parried down and stuffed in a boring box. Teach the Gospel not modern societal blather.

2. As you walk the razors edge of salvation teaching and not offending your congregation, ask this of them
What are you doing for your God
What is God doing for you
If Christ gave his life for you, why arnt you giving your life for him?
If your soul never dies, If your Spirit never dies what have you done to obtain eternal life?

3.Here is the heart breaker, When you die ( hopefully after a long long life) And your stepping into heaven, when you look down, will you see people from your congregations raising there voices in pain asking you why you never told them that hell is real and how to get to Heaven?

Peace be upon you
Paul said that the greatest of these is Love, He is wrong, The Greatest of these is Forgiveness

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