Friday, February 23, 2007

Vocation and Calling and Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Well, I must confess. I think I am addicted, or at least bemused by the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And all of this as a result of an assignment for my senior Pastoral Leadership course.

For this practical assignment we must engage a pop culture piece with theology and faith, and produce a practical "something" (newsletter, Sunday school class, sermon) to engage theology and faith with the pop culture piece. So I have chosen Buffy (thanks to some profs. here at Trinity - you know who you are!) and vocation. I will be publishing another blog that speaks directly to this intersection of pop culture, vocation, and faith.

Tonight, me and a friend watched three episodes that pointed to vocation. One in the first season, one in the sixth, and one in the seventh. I will be over the next few days looking for other episodes that touch on vocation - either explicitly or implicitly. Then I will be parralleling or connecting (without stretching either the tv show or the texts beyond what they are saying) the episodes with Biblical texts, and faith/theology writings that speak to vocation and calling.

So, right now I am looking for a title for this new blog - any thoughts? I am even thinking that after this project, I will keep going and analyze the entire series for other parrallels and intersections. (But that's just my geekiness popping out!)

Are you a Buffy fan? Let me know!


Mehl412 said...

Hey - ended up here from emergingwomen's blog. I'm not sure about what to CALL your new Buffy blog... but I'd love to know which episodes you think are vocationally-driven! :)

Lydia said...

I have no idea what the blog should be called, and I also followed a link from EW to your blog.

But I'm also a big Buffy fan, and I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts on it. :)

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