Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Call of the God and the Church

Today, February 20, 2007 is what is known in the ELCA community as Assignment Day. On most of the ELCA seminary campuses it is known as "Draft Day." Over the last day or so, all of the regional coordinators (9 regions), one bishop representing their region, and one partner from each seminary (usually a faculty or staff member from the seminary) have gathered and have been discerning where, geographically, graduating MDiv seniors will begin their ministry.

There are mixed emotions running around campus. There is great excitement because after all, we're really doing this! Many of us can't wait to "get back out there!" There is also fear and anxiety of the unknown, because literally we don't know where we are heading. And even after the regions are disclosed, there is still much to be done before we know anything else. Then there is some anger and pain, for those who didn't "make it" through the candidacy process for various reasons.

As one who is in this process right now, it has been a ride! Trying to figure out how to express and share my excitement, nervousness, etc...with friends and family, while trying to care for my classmates who are in different positions has been tough. I have been told that I should not express my emotions because it will cause others to feel that they are "left out." Well, I trust that God has all within God's arms of love and grace, and that each and every one of us has a calling from God. Our callings and timing of our callings are unique, and we need to acknowledge that. But I am praying that we can ALL support each other and provide space and encouragement for all to express their emotions and feelings in relation to this. (Watch for a posting of a great release of these very emotions by the newly formed musical group, "The Executive Committee." :-)

So with that I ask for your prayers. Please pray for our church and her discernment of the stewardship and placement of new leadership. Please pray for the seminaries of our church as they live into their vocation to equip, foster, and nurture leaders for Christ's church. Please pray for those of us who are in the Assignment Process this day. Please also pray for those who aren't in the process and are dealing with other issues in their lives.

And finally, I wish to thank all of you who have supported me, continue to support me, and hold me accountable in the midst of this process in my life. My parents have joined me here in Columbus for the worship this evening when my region is announced. If any of you are in the area and have time, please join us for Eucharist tonight.

7:00pm - Affirmation of Vocation - Assignment Day Eucharist - Gloria Dei Worship Center, Trinity Lutheran Seminary.

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