Thursday, December 21, 2006

Stresses of the season

Ah yes, you can surely tell that Christmas is just around the corner here in the DC suburbs. How you ask? Well, the traffic is beyond intense - intense is normal around here, but this is just beyond that. Additionally, people are cutting people off, brushing by people in the malls, not looking up to smile or greet someone, grumbling and griping in lines at the stores, and well just having a short fuse. And maybe this isn't so 'unnormal' for this area, but I am noticing it.

And the exhaustion that accompanies this time of celebration and reflection is already evident. People look tired, and say they are tired, and yet they say, but there are only a few more days to though they desire strongly to get beyond this day, this season.

And isn't this sad? I mean, this season is about stopping and taking note of the blessings in our lives - taking note and rejoicing in the ultimate gift this planet has received - Jesus Christ our Messiah. And yet we get caught up in ourselves and miss that - sounds like a textbook definition of sin, doesn't it.

So my prayer (without sounding cliche') is that we would all be brought back to the true meaning of this festive time and celebration. For while the gifts, the cookies, the gatherings are great (despite the stress and anxiety they entail) - we have already been given the gift that gives forever - a new life in Jesus Christ. That's the reason, and I pray that I and you, and everyone will take some time in the upcoming days to reflect, meditate, and celebrate that gift. For through this time the intentions behind our earthly gifts may be more fully revealed and open up a new understanding of our call for rejoicing, sharing, and celebrating.

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