Saturday, November 04, 2006

Time and Deadlines

Yikes, the quarter is creeping, rather zooming to a close. Two weeks from now, the Fall quarter will be complete here at Trinity. And I have four rather 'BIG' pieces to complete in those two weeks.

A 15 page Bonhoeffer paper - connecting DB's call to the need for aloneness, amidst community, and the need for pastor's to practice Sabbath. I have a page written and an outline of where to go, but there is still so much more to do!

An 8 page final essay for Being Lutheran in America. Basically we are answering the broad question, "What does it mean to be Lutheran in the 21st century" through the lens of several other small points of focus.

Then I have a 2 page piece on the positioning of Hagar and Sarah in Genesis. This doesn't sound like a big thing, but try putting such a huge thing into a 2 page paper!

Finally, I will have a final case study and analysis for Pastoral Leadership. The case study hasn't been handed-out as of yet, and so that is just sitting there.

Additionally, I am preaching at a two-pointer about three hours north of here on Sunday. I will head up on Saturday and a colleague and I have booked a hotel room so we will go up early and just take some time 'down.'

Oh yeah, and did I mention the first call paperwork that is due in by December 1!?! I have put that on the 'low' for now, and the weekend before Thanksgiving, I will focus on those important life decision papers.

Keep me in your prayers and I look forward to seeing some of you real soon!

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